"When I was a little kid this car meant “mom and dad, family, and security” to me. Even though I was only 2 years old at the time, I still remember going car shopping with my dad when he was looking for a Nomad. I also remember the day we brought the Nomad home from Selman Chevrolet. I remember many of the places it has taken me over the years since 1958, all of the extended family and friends it has hauled, and adventures it has taken me on. I remember guys always trying to buy the car from my dad back in the ‘60s when it was our primary vehicle. When it became my first car, guys were still trying to buy it from me. Now that it’s restored, I really get “the looks” when I drive it. Besides being a Nomad, the family connection to this car going back to September 1958 makes this car doubly unique. My 12 year old son can hardly wait to get his hands on it to continue another generation of family history with our 57 Nomad."