We featured a couple of nice Volkswagen Beetles on the cover of our February 2012 California Car Cover catalog. The February edition of our catalog was sent out to local customers and anyone who placed an order in January. In case you did not receive one in the mail, here are some extra pics of the VWs from the cover shoot.

Special thanks to John Schiess for bringing over his restored 1962 Volkswagen Beetle by our store. John is the owner of Custom Built Machines around the corner from us in Chatsworth, Ca. His shop has built a few vehicles featured on our catalog cover.

Need some floor mats for your classic car? Lloyd Mats new Classic Loop floor mat is designed with a nostalgic look of 60's automobiles. The mats are custom fit and look great inside the VW. You can get more details on these mats on our

New upholstery.

The 2012 Beetle Turbo belongs to local customer Bonnie Lewis. We were happy that she would let her baby out of her sight for a short period of time and let us photograph it.

The "Herbie" edition Beetle was built by John and the crew at
Custom Built Machines. Special thanks goes out to the staff at B&E Customs for applying the paint.

People do not necessarily think of California Car Cover first when it comes to car covers or floor mats for their European car. But our shop can make car covers, seat covers, and floor mats for just about any European car on the road.

1962 and 2012 Volkswagen Beetles.

Restored dashboard.

Need a cover? Custom fit car cover for the 2012 Volkswagen Beetle.

February 2012 Catalog Cover
This is also a great time to mention that we just scheduled our first European Car Show at California Car Cover on Saturday, May 5th 2012. We had a lot of fun hosting Golden Shine detail days with local Audi, VW and Mini Cooper clubs last year. Now we will be hosting a car show open to all brands of European cars.
See our
website or Facebook for the latest news and updates. We will post the details online as soon as we have them.
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