
Monday, May 9, 2016

Back to the Future DeLorean Debut at the Petersen Museum

A few weeks back we were invited to the debut of the recently restored Back to the Future II DeLorean at the Petersen Museum. The Petersen Museum is home to many famous vehicles from movies and television shows, so it is fitting that the DeLorean would end up there once it was completed.

One of the Hot Wheels lead designers was on hand to show off the special anniversary edition of the Back to the Future II DeLorean. This scale replica will be available later this summer.

Have a time traveling DeLorean of your own? Give us a call. We can cover it.
Thank you to everyone at the Petersen for letting California Car Cover be part of this unique event. We were glad to we could help the directors and designers keep the DeLorean under wraps. Want to see the DeLorean? Then it might be time to schedule a visit to the Petersen Museum.

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